Jay Yang Profile

Chorus Conductor ; Professor Jay Yang

Mr. Yang, a renowned bass-baritone from China, came to the United States two decades ago in pursuit of his music career. He was an honor student at China’s prestigious Central Music Conservatory in Beijing. Upon graduation, Mr. Yang became a lead singer in Beijing’s Central Opera House. He has performed in numerous operas and concerts in national events throughout China.

In 1990, Mr. Yang studied at the Boston University Opera Institute under world-famous, Phyllis Curtin, and the renowned master tenor, Carlo Bergnozi. In 1995, Mr. Yang won first prize at the Opera Fest America Vocal Competition. As a bass-baritone soloist, he has performed II Travatore, Madame Butterfly, Pagliacci, Norma, and The Magic Flute in numerous venues worldwide.

In recent years, Mr. Yang has worked with the Commonwealth Opera Company in Northampton, Massachusetts, the Bel Canto Opera Company in Providence, Rhode Island, and the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He has also performed Beethoven’s 9th Symphony at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, California. His Beijing Music Concert, performed in Arcadia, was broadcasted widely in the U.S., Asia, and Latin America. In 2007, Mr. Yang’s solo performance for the Taipei International Satellite TV was broadcasted from California. Mr. Yang’s earlier recordings are still regularly broadcasted on TV stations in Beijing, Shanghai, and on the Central Broadcasting Radio Station. He is a frequent guest artist in China, holding master classes and lectures in various universities and performing at major national musical events.

In 2007, he was a guest lecturer and performer at the Xing Hai Music School and Beijing Teacher’s College. Mr. Yang also gave several highly-acclaimed performances and lectures across Taiwan.

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合唱團指揮:聲樂教授 楊捷

楊捷先生是一位素養深厚的聲樂藝術家及合唱指揮家. 1983年, 他以優異的成績考入中國北京中央音樂學院聲樂系, 師從於著名歌唱家蔣英教授, 及楊比德教授. 畢業後, 曾工作於北京中央歌劇院, 北京師範大學音樂系, 及中國海政歌舞團. 在中國聲樂大獎賽中多次獲獎. 同時在全國各大電視台錄制了許多獨唱節目及專題採訪. 1990年, 他以全額獎學金進入 Boston University 就讀, 師從美國著名女高音歌唱家, 聲樂教授 Philis Cartin.

1995 年在美國 New Hampshire 州榮獲世界歌劇聲樂比賽第一名.“Massachusetts News Time”稱贊他的聲音有金屬般的穿透力, 表演有細緻迷人的風采. 他與麻州歌劇院, 新罕布夏歌劇院, 羅德島州歌劇院, 及洛杉磯歌劇院合作演出, 成功飾演了世界著名歌劇如;“游吟詩人”,“魔笛”,“蝴蝶夫人”,“諾爾瑪”,“丑角”等歌劇中的男主角. 楊捷先生曾在北京音樂廳, 北京清華大學及美國波士頓, 達拉斯, 休士頓, 洛杉磯, 及臺灣成功地舉辦個人獨唱音樂會, 並在好萊塢柯達劇院演出的貝多芬第九交響樂中擔任男中音獨唱.

近年來楊捷先生曾多次應邀到北京大專院校和臺灣演唱並授教聲樂, 舉辦音樂專題講座, 並擔任北京首都師範大學音樂學院客座教授. 他熱衷於弘揚中國文化藝術. 他要求在合唱時音中有情, 聲情並茂, 力求用自己飽含感情和真純的歌聲去感動觀眾. 在麻州波士頓市, 喜瑞都市, 哈崗市, 千橡地區, 及聖塔巴巴拉市, 多個合唱團擔任藝術指導及合唱指揮.各團在歷屆洛杉磯『海華藝術節』的表演中屢獲好評.